Archives of #Muisc Fans

Music Fans Verses Pop Culture Fans

I know that everyone has had a say about Rebecca Black in the past week or two (I am not even going to link to the video here) but I thought it timely to remember that Rebecca Black doesn’t really have anything to do with music or the music industry. A lot has been written […]

Your music is your marketing

Think about this. For the independent musician, the music you make is essentially your advertising. The product that you are trying to sell is yourself as the artist. You are trying to get consumers to buy into you as an artist, come to shows, buy a t-shirt and buy the premium package of your music, […]

Why Events Fail

Why do people attend festivals and events? What kinds of factors may prevent people from attending events? Why do events fail? People attend festivals and special events for a number of reasons, all of which can be categorised together as ways to do something ‘out of the ordinary’ from the participants regular day to day […]